Labor represents 90 percent or more of your total cost of floor cleaning?* This is why a cost-effecient cleaning program should employ the most productive equipment available to that the workers can be more productive.
automated floor cleaning equipment of today is manufactured with efficiency features built in that can lead to greater productivity. Things such as longer cleaning times between dump-and-fill cycles, faster ride-on and self-propelled equipment as well as wider cleaning paths. Determining which floor cleaning equipment that will deliver the highest productivity per application, which decreases overall cleaning time and costs, requires caraeful consideration.
Choosing the right cleaning path widths - You can minimize your investment while maximizing productivity with the best suited width. The difference between a 17" and 20" walk-behind floor machine can be minimal therefore the wider cleaning path would result in greater productivity which will out weigh the small cost difference.
The size of the recovery tank can make a big difference in the time the workers stay on the floor cleaning. By reducing the number of dump and refill cycles your production is increased.
These are only a couple of things to consider when choosing floor cleaning equipment. To find the right machine for your facility take a look at what Baxter Sales has to offer.
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International Sanitary Supply Association