Vacuum cleaners are abused and taken for granted which makes it more important to select the right one for your cleaning needs.
The vacuum cleaner reviews here will help you to better understand what you should consider before purchasing. You want a machine that will deliver superior results and performance where it matters the most: dirt pick up and filtration.
A good upright machine will not only have superior dirt pick up but will have excellent filtration. You may want to look for one that has the CRI (Carpet and Rug Institute) seal of approval which signifies it meets the industries newest dirt pick up and filtration standards for vacuum performance.
And in case you didn't know, these standards are more strengient than those for Green Label certification. Only the best can pass the CRI Seal of Approval testing and certification program.
One such vacuum cleaner which does pass the testing methods of CRI is the Spectrum by Advance. This machine is proving to be one of the best of it's kind in the industry.
You can see this vacuum cleaner and more cleaning equipment by Advace at Baxter Sales.
I looked at the new Advance vacs last week, and was surprised at how "light" they are! Very nice features, too. Definitely worth serious consideration at that price.